Texas Parks and Wildlife Licensed and Endorsed Fishing Guides |

Trout Unlimited Endorsed Guide Service |
you ever wanted to be a fly fishing guide? Or have you said to yourself, on a guided trip; I could do this.
You too, can learn to be a fly fishing guide!
Even if you don't want to accept money for guiding,
find our course rewarding.
You'll learn the secrets of the pros.
Our week long course includes casting
instruction, rigging, rowing and rafting, local access for floats, people-handling skills, safety protocols, regulatory guidelines,
pro staff applications, reading the water, and much more. The course is taught in modules, and the instructor to student ratio
is small (groups can also be arranged by special request). We offer placement assistance with established outfitters in Texas,
Colorado, and Montana, for successful graduates.
We'll teach you how to market your skills through web site development,
speaking engagements, and through print / electronic media.
Contact us for course curriculum overview.
The five day guide training course is $2,000 per person. Please email
us, or call us for scheduling.