These are "archived" fishing reports, please click the latest fishing reports tab on the navigation
bar for updated information.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides River Report and Fly Fishing Trips: Saturday August 9, 2014; Private morning fly fishing
lesson with Ashley Thompson and her friend Wendy trained two new fly fishers. We started with stream side casting lessons,
knot tying, fly selection and general overview. After that, we caught and released a couple of nice little Guadalupe
Bass. The morning was cool and comfortable with temps in the low 70's F. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing
classes, lessons and instruction in the Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels Texas areas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guide Fly Fishing Report: New Braunfels, Austin and San Antonio Texas area: Sunday
August 10, 2014 Half day fly fishing instructional Guadalupe River guide trip revealed nice cool conditions in the morning.
We started with fly casting lessons and general overview of the sport. After that, we got into the raft and floated/fished
3 river miles. We caught and released several nice bass and many brightly colored sunfish. Expedition Outfitters
provides guided fly fishing trips, fly fishing lessons, fly fishing instruction in the Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels
Texas area.
Guadalupe Fishing Guide Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Monday August 11, 2104; two hour private fly
fishing lesson this morning with Jayme Wyeth produced a new fly fisher. We started out with stream side casting lessons,
we learned a couple of knots and we covered a general overview of fly fishing techniques. The weather was nice with
early morning temps in the mid 70's F. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing classes, fly fishing lessons and fly
fishing instruction in the San Antonio and Austin Texas areas. We also hold fly fishing classes, fly fishing lessons
and fly fishing instruction in the New Braunfels Texas area.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Tuesday August 12, 2014; half day fly fishing
trip/lesson produced two new fly fishers. Shannon and Jennifer from San Antonio were great students, but the fish were
flat out, not biting. I'm blaming the giant moon damnit. Even with adverse conditions, Shannon pulled a rabbit
out of her hat and landed several fish to save the guide's ass. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing classes, lessons
and instruction near Austin, New Braunfels, and San Antonio Texas.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Wednesday August 13, 2014; prolonged half
day trip with Hunter Hamilton and his family produced some bass and sunfish. The heavy weighted streamer produced the
most strikes. The weather was pleasant with morning temps in the 70's F. Overall the day was pretty nice after
jumping into the river numerous times to cool off.
Guadalupe Fishing Guide Report and Fly Fishing Conditions near Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels Texas:
Thursday August 14, 2014; Two hour private fly fishing lesson with Ashley Long was very successful with a couple of
fish being hooked during our practice fly fishing lesson. The weather was great with morning temps in the mid 60's F.
The preferred fly was a yellow popper with white rubber legs. Expedition Outfitters offers fly fishing classes,
guided trips, fly fishing lessons in the New Braunfels Texas area.
Guadalupe River Fy Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Friday August 15, 2014 Fly Fishing
Guide Report for the Guadalupe River at the third crossing on River Road showed no tubers or fishermen in the morning. The
temperatures were pleasant in the mid 70's F. There was a pretty light BWO and Trico hatch. We saw a few sunfish
rising for the fallen spinners though. Immature bass were sipping dry flies too. Expedition Outfitters teaches
fly fishing lessons, fly fishing classes and fly fishing instruction near Austin Texas, New Braunfels Texas and San Antonio
Texas all year long.
Guadalupe Fishing Guide near New Braunfels Texas, San Antonio Texas and Austin Texas: Saturday August
16, 2014 Half day Guadalupe River fly fishing guide trip/fly fishing lesson produced two new fly fishers. The weather
was nice with temps in the mid 70's F in the morning. We didn't encounter any other people on the river until 10:00
am. The favorite fly was the giant Prince Nymph. We caught and released several brightly colored sunfish and small
bass. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing classes, fly fishing lessons and fly fishing instruction near New Braunfels
Texas, San Antonio Texas and Austin Texas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions in the New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin
Texas areas: Sunday August 17, 2014; two hour private fly fishing lesson for Ray Railey and his lady Jill produced two
new fly fishers. The early morning temps were in the mid 70's F. with partly cloudy skies. We started out with
riverside casting lessons, went over fly selection, presentation and learned a couple of knots. After that, we fished
a little while and landed a couple of nice little Guadalupe Bass and a couple of sunfish. Expedition Outfitters teaches
fly fishing classes, lessons and instruction near New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin Texas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guide Fly Fishing River Report and Current Conditions at New Braunfels Texas area:
Monday August 18, 2014; two hour private fly fishing lesson on the Guadalupe River in the New Braunfels area made two
new fly fishers. We started out with casting lessons, reading the water, knot tying, fly selection and general overview.
The weather was great in the morning with temps in the mid 70's F. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing classes,
fly fishing lessons, and gives fly fishing instruction in the Austin and San Antonio Texas area.
New Braunfels Fly Fishing Guide Guadalupe Fishing Report and River Conditions: Tuesday August 19, 2014;
Private fly fishing lesson at New Braunfels at the Guadalupe River produced two new fly fishers. We started with stream
side casting lessons, learned a couple of knots, and went over fly selection. After that, we talked about reading the
water for fish position. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing lessons, fly fishing classes, and fly fishing instruction
at New Braunfels and the San Antonio and Austin Texas area.
New Braunfels Texas Guadalupe River Fishing Guide Report and Fly Fishing Conditions near San Antonio and Austin
Texas: Wednesday August 20, 2014; two hour private fly fishing lesson and instruction made two new fly fishers. Ashley
Gordon and her buddy Mike joined us from Austin Texas. They caught on pretty quick making the instructors job easier.
We started off with stream side casting lessons, and learned a couple of knots, we also learned fly selection and presentation.
Expedition Outfitters offers fly fishing classes, fly fishing lessons and fly fishing instruction in the Austin, San
Antonio and New Braunfels Texas areas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guide Report and Fly Fishing Conditions near New Braunfels, Austin and San Antonio Texas.
Friday August 22, 2014; two hour private fly fishing lesson with Jeff Williams produced another new fly fisher. Jeff
caught on fast and was casting like a pro in about 30 minutes. Luckily, he didn't have any bait casting or spinning
rod experience, he was a clean slate. There were no tubers or kayakers on our section of the river. We had the
whole stretch to ourselves. The weather was nice this morning with temps in the 70's F. Expedition Outfitters
offers fly fishing guided trips, fly fishing lessons and fly fishing instruction in the Texas Hill Country.
Guadalupe Fishing Guide Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Updated Saturday August 23, 2014; Two hour private
fly fishing lesson with Stephen Sample from Austin produced a new fly fisher. Stephen caught on pretty fast executing
instructions properly. He was dead drifting dry flies in preparation for a Montana fly fishing trip. The weather
was pleasant with temps in the mid 70's F. Don't forget to mend Stephen on your presentation. Expedition Outfitters
gives fly fishing classes, lessons and instruction in the New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin vicinities.
Guadalupe Fishing Guide Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Updated August 24, 2014. Half day
fly fishing trip/lesson with Kurt, Garrett and Marshall from Austin introduced everyone to fly fishing. Unfortunately,
the fly action sucked so we converted to casting soft plastics with spinning rods and picked up several sunfish and smallmouth
bass. The weather was nice early on and rose to 90 degrees by 2:00 pm. Expedition Outfitters has fly fishing classes,
lessons and fly fishing instruction in the New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin Texas areas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guide Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Updated Monday August 25, 2014; evening scouting
trip at the fourth crossing near Rio Guadalupe Resort produced two nice rainbow trout in the 16 inch class. The winning
fly was the San Juan worm. We dead drifted it behind a stonefly nymph. The weather was hot in the upper 90's
but the water was cold and relatively clear.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Tuesday August 26, 2014; Two hour fly
fishing lesson with Tamara Radcliff and her buddy Mike produced two new fly fishers. We started out with stream side
casting lessons, knot tying, fly selection and general overview. After that, we fished the area and hooked up with a
couple of feisty Guadalupe bass and several sunfish. The weather was cool in the morning with temps in the low 70's
F. Expedition Outfitters has fly fishing classes, lessons and instruction in the New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Report and Fly Fishing Report for the lower Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake: Updated
Wednesday August 27, 2014; Two hour fly fishing lesson at Cypress Bend Park produced two new fly fishers. We caught
and released several sunfish and small bass during our fly fishing instructional class. We started with stream side
casting lessons, knot tying, fly selection and general overview. The morning was cool with temps in the low 70's F.
Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing classes, lessons and instruction near New Braunfels, Austin and San Antonio
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Thursday August 28, 2014; Two
hour private fly fishing lesson/instructional wade trip with Ashley Reid and her boyfriend produced two new fly fishers. The
weather was nice with temps in the mid 70's F. We started with stream side casting lessons, knot tying and a general fly fishing
overview. Expedition Outfitters offers fly fishing classes, lessons and instruction in the Austin, New Braunfels, and
San Antonio Texas areas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Report and Fly Fishing conditions: Friday August 29, 2014; Our half day
trip started with stream side casting lessons, knot tying, fly selection and general overview of the sport in the Central
Texas, Hill Country area. After that, we got into the raft and floated/fished about three river miles. The best
fly was the red popper with white rubber leggs...go figure. Expedition Outfitters offers guided fly fishing trips, lessons,
and instruction in the San Antonio, New Braunfels and Austin Texas areas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Summary: Saturday, August 30, 2014; early
morning scouting trip at the third crossing on Guadalupe River Road below Canyon Lake yielded several sunfish and Guadalupe
Bass on poppers. There was no one else out, until afternoon. The Labor Day crowds are pretty subdued this year
with very little activity other than a Life Flight Air Ambulance evacuation of an unfortunate swimmer who dove into shallow
water and suffered C-spine injuries. It's nice to know multi-million dollar technology and trained medical professionals
are available to save our ass in the event we get injured. The weather was nice with early morning temps in the low
70's F. and evening temps in the low 90's F.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing River Report and River Conditions: Sunday August 31, 2014; evening
scouting report at the third crossing on the Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake revealed very few straggler tourists on tubes.
Most of the Houstonites are headed home to beat the crowds on the highway. We have the river and lake back to
ourselves for another 9 months.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Report and current fly fishing conditions: updated Labor Day Monday September
1, 2014. Morning fly fishing trip/lesson produced two new fly fishers. We used poppers and streamers to seduce
Guadalupe Bass and many brightly colored sunfish. The flow was adequate and conducive to good fishing conditions. Expedition
Outfitters offers fly fishing guide trips, lessons and instruction in the New Braunfels and San Antonio and Austin Texas areas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Tuesday, September 2, 2014; evening
scouting trip at the third crossing on the Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake revealed no tourists whatsoever. There
were however, a few evening rain showers spawned by a low pressure system in the Gulf of Mexico. The weather was
pleasantly cool with air from the downdrafts of small thunderstorms. Oh yea, we had some good action on little yellow
poppers in the oxygenated riffles.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Wednesday September 3, 2014; half day morning
trip with Kent Tralfagner and his gal Victoria produced two new fly fishers. We started out with stream side casting
lessons, knot tying, fly selection and general overview of the sport. After that, we got into the raft and floated about
three river miles putting our new skills to work. Wish you were with us!
Fly Fishing Guides near New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin Texas. Fishing Report for Thursday September
4, 2014; Half day morning float with Phil Noel from Albuquerque, New Mexico was very pleasant because Phil is an expert fly
fisher with years of experience. We caught and released too many fish to count. It doesn't always happen like
this...The day was mostly cool and overcast with temps in the 70's and High 80's F. We were lucky to get off the water
before a small rainshower hit. Expedition Outfitters offers guided fly fishing trips, fly fishing instruction, lessons
and classes in the New Braunfels, Austin and San Antonio Texas areas.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide and River Report near New Braunfels, Austin and San Antonio Texas: Updated
Friday September 5, 2014; two hour private fly fishing lesson with Less Johnson produced a new fly fisher. We started
with stream side casting lessons, knot tying and general overview. The weather was great with temps in the 80's F. and
partly sunny skies. Oh yea, the best fly results were obtained with a red popper and yellow rubber legs. Expedition
Outfitters provides guided fly fishing trips, fly fishing lessons, fly fishing classes, and fly fishing instruction in the
Texas Hill Country near New Braunfels, Austin and San Antonio Texas.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions near New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin Texas:
Saturday September 6, 2014; Two hour fly fishing lesson with Amy Trudeau and her buddy from New Orleans produced two
new newby fly fishers. We started with stream side casting lessons, learned some knots and we learned to read the water.
The weather was pleasant with temps in the high 80's F. with partly cloudy skies. Expedition Outfitters teaches
fly fishing classes, lessons and fly fishing instruction in the Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels Texas areas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Sunday September 7, 2014. Two
hour private fly fishing lesson with Bill Cockjoseph and his lovely wife Katrina produced two new fly fishers. We started
with stream side casting lessons, knot tying, reading the water, and general fly fishing overview. The weather was cool
in the 70's and 80's F. with light early morning rain showers. Expedition Outfitters has fly fishing guided trips, classes,
lessons and instruction in the Canyon Lake, New Braunfels and Austin/San Antonio Texas areas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Updated Monday September 8, 2014; two hour
private fly fishing lesson with Edie Gourmet produced a new fly fisher. She caught on fast. The weather was nice
with early morning temps in the low 70's F. The red popper was the winning fly. There was no one else on the water.
Expedition Outfitters provides fly fishing classes, lessons and instruction in the Canyon Lake area, New Braunfels
area, and the Austin and San Antonio Texas areas.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guide Report and River Conditions: Updated Tuesday September 9, 2014; two
hour private fly fishing lesson in the New Braunfels area produced a new fly fisher. Tina Minks did a fantastic job
of following instructions. She will make a great fly fisher! We started with stream side casting instruction,
knot tying and fly selection. After that we followed through with a little fishing. Expedition Outfitters provides
fly fishing classes, lessons and instruction in the New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin Texas areas.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Wednesday September 10, 2014; Two hour
morning private fly fishing lesson with Leslie Smith produced a new fly fisher. We started with stream side casting
lessons, knot tying and general overview. We were in the New Braunfels Texas section of the Guadalupe River. Our
go to fly was the red popper with white rubber legs. Expedition Outfitters has Fly Fishing Classes, Lessons and Instruction
in the New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin Texas areas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Thursday September 11, 2014; Two hour private
fly fishing lesson with Leslie Goldmeir produced a new fly fisher. We started with stream side casting lessons, knot
tying and general overview. We actually caught and released a couple of fish on our lesson. The weather was beautiful
with early morning temps in the 70's and evening temps in the low 90's F. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing
classes, lessons and instruction near New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin Texas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Updated Friday September 12, 2014; half day
morning trip with Brad and his hot girlfriend Stacy produced quite a few sunfish and several smallmouth and largemouth bass.
Nothing was very big, but they fought for their lives. They didn't know we were going to release them back into
the river unharmed. The weather was nice with temps in the 70's to low 90's. Expedition Outfitters offers Guadalupe
River Guided Fly Fishing trips and Fly Fishing lessons, instruction and classes near Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Report: September 13, 2014; two hour fly fishing
lesson with Leslie Stamford and her guest Wanda produced two new fly fishers. We started with stream side casting lessons,
knot tying, fly selection and general overview. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing classes, lessons and instruction
near New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin Texas.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Sunday September 14, 2014, Two hour fly fishing
lesson with Tamara and her friend Morgan produced two new fly fishers. We started with stream side casting lessons,
knot tying, fly selection and general overview. The weather was great with cool morning temps and afternoon highs in
the 70's F. Expedition Outfitters has fly fishing lessons, classes and instruction and guided fly fishing trips in the
Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels areas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Updated Monday, September 15, 2014; Two hour
private fly fishing lesson with Tamara and her friend Mary produced two new fly fishers. We started with stream side
casting lessons. knot tying and general overview of the sport. The weather was great with temps in the 70's and 80's
F. Expedition Outfitters offers fly fishing classes, lessons and instruction near New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin
Guadalupe River Fishing Guides Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Updated Tuesday September 16, 2014. Scouting
report at the third crossing on the Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake revealed no anglers, tubers, or other people. The
Osprey "Fish Eagles" did arrive on their migration from the north. They squeeled and chirped at us to announce
their presence. Expedition Outfitters offers guided fly fishing trips and teaches fly fishing classes, lessons and instruction
in New Braunfels, Austin and San Antonio Texas.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Updated Thursday September 18, 2014;
two hour fly fishing lesson with Leslie Zumwalt and her friend Stacey from Oregon produced two new fly fishers. We started
with stream side casting lessons, knot tying and fly selection. The ladies caught on quickly landing several small bass
and sunfish. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing lessons, classes and instruction in the New Braunfels, Austin
and San Antonio Texas areas.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Updated Friday September 19, 2014; Half
day morning fly fishing guide trip near New Braunfels Texas produced some small fish and the overall bite was slow. We
had approaching thunderstorms with low pressure. Old time clients and friends Cliff Mycoskie and John Newbern joined
Expedition Outfitters guide Kevin Stubbs for a three mile float on the Guadalupe River.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Saturday September 20, 2014; Two hour
private fly fishing lesson in New Braunfels on the Guadalupe River produced two new fly fishermen. Walt and Todd came
from Austin to get away from the "rat race" and experience nature and wildlife firsthand. We started with
stream side casting lessons, knot tying, and ended with on the job training by catching a couple of small Guadalupe Bass.
Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing classes, lessons, and gives instruction in the new Braunfels, Austin and San
Antonio Texas areas.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Sunday September 21, 2014; Fly fishing
scouting trip at the third crossing below Canyon Lake on River Road revealed no tourists or fishermen. There was a prolific
PMD hatch in the morning following rain showers from yesterday. The bugs were thick and a few small sunfish and
baby bass were rising to sip them. The morning started with fog, but it burned off by 8:00 am. The rest of the
day was partly cloudy skies with low 90's F. Expedition Outfitters offers guided fly fishing trips, fly fishing lessons
and instruction in the New Braunfels area near Austin and San Antonio Texas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Monday September 22, 2014; Two hour
private fly fishing lesson with Misty Haven produced a new fly fisher. We started with stream side casting lessons,
knot tying and general overview. After that, we fished a little while landing several small bass and sunfish. Expedition
Outfitters offers guided fly fishing trips, fly fishing lessons, and instruction in the New Braunfels, Austin and San Antonio
Texas areas.
Devils River Fly Fishing Guide Trip and River Conditions: Wednesday September 24, 2014. The first
day of a two day and three night trip at Sycamore Canyon Ranch produced too many bass to count. The weather was perfect
with cool mornings and warm afternoons. Rick and Cameron Pratt from Port Aransas were our guests. They were expert
fisher people. They could read the water and they were good casters too! Expedition Outfitters offers guided Devils
River Fishing Trips.
Devils River Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Thursday September 25, 2014; Our second day
of Devils River fishing produced quite a few bass and several slab-sided sunfish. The weather was perfect for Rick and
Cameron Pratt from Port Aransas. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing lessons, classes and guides fly fishing trips
in the Hill Country Rivers near New Braunfels, Austin and San Antonio Texas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Sunday September 28, 2014; morning
scouting trip at the third crossing on Guadalupe River Road below Canyon Lake revealed a prolific PMD and Trico hatch. The
weather was cool in the low 60's F. with fog and quickly clearing skies. There were no fishermen or tubers. It's
a little late in the season for tubers, but it's comforting to know they are gone. Adios Mal Amigos!
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Monday September 29, 2014; Half day
fly fishing float/fly fishing lesson produced a new fly fisher. Geroge Jones from Austin joined Guadalupe Fishing Guide
Kevin Stubbs for a fun rafting trip on the Guadalupe River near New Braunfels Texas. George caught on quickly making
the fly fishing instructor's job easy. We caught and released several small bass and a couple of colorful sunfish on
bead head olive buggers. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing lessons, gives fly fishing instruction and guides
fly fishing trips on Texas Hill Country Rivers near Austin, New Braunfels and San Antonio Texas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Tuesday September 30, 2014; evening scouting
trip at the third crossing on the Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake revealed one fisherman taking advantage of the beautiful
evening and solitude. The morning temps started out in the low 60's F and topped out at 90 degrees F in the afternoon.
Expedition Outfitters offers fly fishing classes, lessons, instruction and guided trips in the New Braunfels, San Antonio
and Austin Texas areas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Wednesday October 1, 2014; half day
fly fishing guide trip/fly fishing lesson on the Guadalupe River near New Braunfels revealed a great student and fly
fisher. Brent Knox joined Expedition Outfitters guide Kevin Stubbs for a great fly fishing excursion on the Guadalupe
River for a fun filled morning. We started with stream side casting lessons, fly selection and general overview. After
that, we floated and fished our way down stream putting our new skills to work. We caught and released several nice
Guadalupe bass and many brightly colored sunfish. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing classes, lessons, and hosts
guided fly fishing trips in the Texas Hill Country.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Report and Fly Fishing Conditions below Canyon Lake near New Braunfels: Thursday October
2, 2014; Scouting observations at the third crossing on the Guadalupe River revealed no fishermen, no tubers, and no
Harley Davidson motorcycles (if you ride one you might enjoy it, but we hate you because of the noise). There was a
nice caddis and BWO hatch in the evening though. The weather was beautiful with morning temps in the 70's and evening
temps in the low 90's F.
Guadalupe fishing Guides Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Updated Friday October 3, 2014; morning scouting
trip on the Guadalupe River at the third crossing below Canyon Lake revealed a prolific caddis, Bwo, and Trico hatch. The
sunfish and smaller bass were sipping the bugs from the surface, but the larger bass were preying on the pre-occupied sunfish
and minnows. The morning was cool with high temps in the low 80's F.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Saturday October 4, 2014 full day float
for Perry, Shawn, and Allen from the Austin and San Antonio area produced three new fly fishers. We saw one other fisherman
and a handful of tubers. The weather was great with morning temps in the low 60's F and the afternoon temps in the low
80's F. We caught several feisty sunfish and Guadalupe Bass. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing classes, fly
fishing lessons and guided fishing trips in the Texas Hill Country Rivers.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Sunday October 5, 2014; Two hour fly
fishing lesson with Leslie Gildchrist and her buddy Sue produced two new fly fishers. We started with river side casting
instructions, we tied a couple of knots, and we also went over fly selection. While practicing, we caught and released
a couple of small bass and sunfish. The weather was perfect with morning temps in the 60's and evening temps in the
high 80's F. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing lessons, and gives fly fishing instruction in the New Braunfels,
San Antonio and Austin Texas areas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Monday October 6, 2014; Two
hour private fly fishing lesson with Heather Neaubauer and Franny Smith produced two new fly fishers. We started with
stream side casting lessons on the banks of the Guadalupe River, we learned a couple of knots, and we gained a general overview
of the sport. The weather was great with partly cloudy skies and comfortable temperatures. Expedition Outfitters
teaches fly fishing lessons, classes, and guides fly fishing trips on the Hill Country Rivers of Central Texas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Thursday October 7, 2014; Half day afternoon
wade fishing trip on the Guadalupe River with Rush Hodgson and his group from Pennsylvania produced lots of brightly colored
sunfish and few good bass. There were no tubers or other fishermen. The day was beautiful with moderate temps
in the high 80's. Steve is pictured below with his small mouth bass.

Guadalupe River Smallmouth Bass |
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Wednesday October 8, 2014;
Half day float with Gary Kennedy from the Dallas area produced quite a few bass and sunfish. We rafted on the Guadalupe
River in the warmwater section near New Braunfels. We did not see another fisherman or river user. The catching
started out pretty slow but picked up later in the day. Luckily, Gary is an expert fly fisherman and the guide just
rowed the boat. Gary is pictured below with one of his fish.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Thursday October 9, 2014; evening scouting
trip at the third crossing over the Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake revealed no fishermen, tubers, or anyone whatsoever.
There was a nice evening caddis hatch with sunfish and small bass rising for the insect morsels. Expedition Outfitters
offers fly fishing guided trips, fly fishing lessons, and fly fishing instruction in the New Braunfels, Austin and San Antonio
Texas areas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday October 11, 2014;
Guadalupe River Fishing Guide trip with Steve and Marcia from Tennessee was rescheduled because of thunderstorms. Luckily
we could change our Guadalupe Fishing Guide day to Sunday. The weather today marked the passing of a cool front and
lower more comfortable temperatures compared to summer. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing classes, lessons and
instruction near New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin Texas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guide Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Sunday October 12, 2014; Guided fishing trip with
Steve and Marcia Crouch from Tennessee yielded a meager turn out of bass. The weather went from warm to 30 degrees cooler
overnight. Even though we got some good bites and takes, we struggled and called it a day a bit early. We thought,
what's the sense in beating a dead horse?
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Updated Monday October 13, 2014; evening observations
at the third crossing on the Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake showed two fishermen. The morning started out with a
cold front passage with threatening clouds but very little rain. The afternoon ended up with sunny skies and cooler
temps. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing classes, lessons and guides fly fishing float trips on the Guadalupe
River, and other spring fed rivers near New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin Texas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Updated Tuesday November 14, 2014. Evening
scouting trip at the third crossing over the Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake revealed no fishermen or other river users
whatsoever. There was a nice mayfly hatch though. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing classes, lessons and
instruction in the New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin Texas areas.

Gary Kennedy with Guadalupe River Bass |
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Updated Wednesday October 15, 2014; evening
scouting observations at the third crossing on the Guadalupe River downstream of Canyon Lake revealed no fishermen or other
river users. The weather was beautiful with morning low temps in the low 50's F. and evening temps in the high 80's
F. Expedition Outfitters offers guided fly fishing trips, gives fly fishing lessons, and provides fly fishing instruction
on the rivers in the Texas Hill Country near New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin Texas...and beyond!
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Thursday October 16, 2014; Half day
morning trip on the warmwater section of the Guadalupe River produced several brightly colored sunfish and several small Guadalupe
Bass. Rodger and Hannah joined us from Austin Texas to learn the art of fly fishing. The weather was perfect with
morning temps in the high 50's and afternoon highs in the high 80's F. Expedition Outfitters offers fly fishing lessons,
fly fishing classes and fly fishing guide trips on the rivers near Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels Texas.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Updated Friday October 17, 2014; morning
scouting trip in the warmwater section of the Guadalupe River revealed a massive BWO and PMD hatch. There were swarms
of sunfish and small bass gulping mouthfulls of bugs. We didn't see any big bass exhibiting this behavior...but they
would occasionally crash the sunfish and small bass hoping to produce a substantial meal. The weather was great with
morning temps in the high 50's and evening temps in the high 80's. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing classes,
fly fishing lessons and guides fly fishing float trips in the Texas Hill Country near Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and Fishing Conditions: Saturday October 18, 2014; two hour
private fly fishing lesson with Leslie Abriel produced a new fly fisher. She caught on fast and we caught and released
several small bass and sunfish. The weather was perfect with morning temps in the mid 60's F. Expedition Outfitters
teaches fly fishing lessons, classes and instruction in the New Braunfels, Austin, and San Antonio Texas areas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Updated Sunday October 19, 2014; half
day trip with Kevin Rizley on the Guadalupe River in the warmwater section produced a couple of largemouth and several nice
sunfish on a topwater pattern. The weather was perfect with morning temps in the low 60's and afternoon temps in the
upper 80's F. Luckily, Kevin is an expert fly fisher and the guide just rowed the boat for him. Expedition Outfitters
provides fly fishing classes, lessons and guides fly fishing float trips on the Texas Hill Country Rivers.
Guadalupe Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Monday October 20, 2014; morning scouting
trip at the third crossing over the Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake revealed a massive Trico hatch. There were no
trout rising for the bugs, but there were numerous sunfish and small bass gulping mouthfulls of bugs. The weather was
great with morning temps in the 60's F and afternoon temps in the 80's F. Expedition Outfitters guides Guadalupe River
Trout trips and provides fly fishing lessons, fly fishing classes, and fly fishing instruction in the Austin, San Antonio
and New Braunfels Texas areas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guide Report and Fly Fishing Conditions: Tuesday October 21, 2014; evening scouting
trip at the fourth crossing produced a couple of "hold over" Guadalupe Rainbow trout on a San Juan worm dropped
under a Bitch Creek Nymph. These fish were fat and healthy and prospered through the summer. The weather was perfect
with blue skies and comfortable temps. Expedition Outfitters offers Guadalupe Trout fly fishing guide trips, fly fishing classes, fly fishing lessons and fly fishing instruction near Austin, New Braunfels
and San Antonio Texas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Fly Fishing Report and River Conditions: Wednesday October 22, 2014; two hour
private fly fishing lesson with Ashley Thomas from Austin produced a new fly fisher. We started with stream side casting
lessons, fly selection and overview, then we learned a couple of knots and put our new skills to work and landed a couple
of small Guadalupe bass. The weather was perfect with temps in the mid 70's F. We didn't see anyone else on the
river. Our Guadalupe fly fishing guides teach fly fishing classes, give fly fishing lessons and instruction on the Hill
Country rivers in the Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels Texas areas.
Guadalupe River Fishing Guides report and fly fishing conditions: Updated Saturday, October 25, 2014.
Morning scouting trip on the San Marcos River yielded quite a few nice bass on poppers and weighted streamers. Overall,
the rubber legged Wooly bugger was our best pattern. The flow was about 100 cfs with beautiful weather and clear water
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Updated November 7, 2014. Evening
scouting trip at the third crossing over the Guadalupe River revealed Chris Jackson giving fly fishing lessons at the Action
Angler access. The clients seemed to be catching on. The evening was beautiful with clear skies and temps on the
60's F. We wish you were here!
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Report and River conditions: Updated November 18, 2014. Scouting trip
at the third crossing below Canyon Lake on the Guadalupe revealed a couple of successful fishermen. They remarked: "The
fish were looking up and we got them on dries". Expedition Outfitters offers fly fishing classes, lessons and instruction
in the New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin Texas areas.
Guadalupe Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Updated Wednesday November 19, 2014; Evening scouting
trip at the third crossing over the Guadalupe River showed no fishermen. The weather was perfect with temps in the 70's
F. and clear blue skies. We saw numerous trout rising for a caddis hatch. The bugs were at their peak about 3:30
pm. Expedition Outfitters offers guided fly fishing trips on the Guadalupe and other rivers.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Tuesday November 25, 2014. We started
out with a beautiful blue bird morning with temps in the low 30's F. By afternoon, the temps rose into the mid 60's
F. There wasn't much of an insect hatch and the fishing was great , but the catching was slow. There were a few
other fishermen on the water experiencing the same conditions. Expedition Outfitters teaches fly fishing classes,
lessons and instruction on the Guadalupe River near New Braunfels, San Antonio and Austin Texas.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides and River Report: Updated Wednesday November 26, 2014, Full
day trip with Eric Ball and his dad Mike yielded too many Guadalupe River Rainbow Trout to count. Luckily the guys knew
how to fly fish already. This saved us some time because we were able to fish right away. The weather was perfect
with high temps in the low 70's F. The Trico hatch was moderate but enough to stimulate activity. Expedition Outfitters
offers fly fishing gift certificates for the outdoors person in your life. A fly fishing gift certificate is the perfect
Christmas present for the outdoors person you love!
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Sunday October 30, 2014; observations
at the third crossing on the Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake showed very few fishermen. Everyone is preparing for
the work week including your Guadalupe Fishing Guides. The weather was perfect this evening with partly cloudy skies
and temps in the high 70's F. Expedition Outfitters offers fly fishing gift certificates, fly fishing lessons,
guided fly fishing trips and fly fishing instruction on the Hill Country Rivers near Austin, San Antonio, and New Bruanfels
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Friday December 5, 2014; evening scouting
trip at the fourth crossing revealed a few fishermen. Their success was pretty slow according to reports. There
was a nice hatch with a few PMD's and quite a few Tricos coming off.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday December 6, 2014; two hour
private fly fishing lesson with Yvonne Lewis and her buddy Lisa produced two new fly fishers. We started with stream
side casting lessons, moved onto knot tying, fly selection and we presented a general overview of the sport. Expedition
Outfitters offers Fly Fishing Classes, Lessons and instruction near Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels Texas. Expedition
Outfitters has the perfect Christmas Gift for your outdoors person, give the gift of Fly Fishing with one of our gift certificates.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Tuesday December 9, 2014; Half day Guadalupe
River guided trip on the warmwater section yielded a couple of nice largemouth bass on heavy weighted streamers. The
weather was beautiful with calm conditions and clear blue skies...and temps in the mid 60's F. Expedition Outfitters
provides guided fly fishing trips on the Guadalupe River and other Texas Hill Country streams. Fly Fishing is the perfect
gift for Christmas! Give your friends and loved ones the best Christmas Gift ever! Check our gift certificate
page for more information.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Updated Thursday December 11, 2014; Two
hour private fly fishing lesson with Meredith Baxter and her friend Jody produced two new fly fishers. We started with
stream side fly casting instruction, fly selection, knot tying and we provided a general overview of the sport. It was
a beautiful afternoon with temps in the mid 60's F. and partly cloudy skies. Expedition Outfitters has the perfect gift
for your outdoors person! Our Fly Fishing Gift Certificates provide relaxation and fun! Give the gift of fly fishing
this Christmas. Wildlife, nature and relaxation are always here.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Saturday December 13, 2014; Guadalupe
River Fly Fishing Guide trip in the warmwater section of the Guadalupe River produced a couple of nice largemouth bass. Believe
it or not; they hit topwater patterns. The weather was foggy early with nice afternoon conditions in the mid 60's F.
Expedition Outfitters offers fly fishing guide trips on the Guadalupe River and other Hill Country streams. Go
to: to get your fly fishing gift certificates and gift cards for Christmas.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Updated Monday December 15, 2014; Whirlwind
tour of the Devils River via our Cessna Bush Plane revealed many miles of Devils River with no kayakers, landowners, ranchers
or smugglers. The day was beautiful with blue bird skies and calm winds. Wish you were here.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Updated Thursday December 18, 2014. The
Guadalupe River is flowing cold and clear with a minimum amount of fishermen out today. Observations at the third crossing
near Action Angler showed a couple of successful fishers that caught and released several nice Guadalupe Trout. The
popular fly of the day seemed to be the Prince Nymph. They can get fish just about anywhere. Expedition Outfitters
offers fly fishing classes, lessons and instruction near Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels Texas. Please check our
web site for Christmas Gift Ideas for your favorite fly fisherman or fly fisher woman.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions; Friday December 19, 2015. Evening
scouting trip at the fourth crossing produced several nice Guadalupe River Rainbow Trout on nymphs. The most popular
pattern was the Prince Nymph. They ate it up! If you're looking for the perfect Christmas gift for your outdoorsman/outdoorswoman
pick the Expedition Outfitters Gift Card / Certificate.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday December 20, 2014; observations
at the third crossing revealed quite a few fishermen with varying success. The popular fly of the day prove to be the
squirmy worm. If you haven't tried it already your neighbor will. Expedition Outfitters offers fly fishing classes,
lessons and instruction in the Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels area. Give the gift of fly fishing this Christmas
with a gift certificate or gift card.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Sunday December 21, 2014; evening scouting
trip at the third crossing revealed quite a few successful fishermen and fisherwomen. The popular fly was a caddis emerger
fished under a...Caddis! Basically the old dry and dropper time proven method. The day was overcast with pleasant
temperatures in the mid to high 50's F. Expedition Outfitters offers fly fishing classes, lessons and instruction near
Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels Texas. Don't forget to give the gift of fly fishing this Christmas. We have
gift certificates and gift cards for your favorite nature lover. Fly fishing gift ideas for your outdoorsman and outdoorswoman
in the Texas Hill Country. We sell smiles and adventure!
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Monday December 22, 2014; Morning scouting
trip at the 3rd crossing on the Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake revealed a decent Trico and PMD hatch. The skies were
overcast with temps in the mid 60's F. We didn't see any fish gulping dries but they sure were eating emergers. Expedition
Outfitters offers fly fishing classes, lessons and instruction in the Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels Texas areas.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Updated Tuesday December 23, 2014; float
trip from Rio to Lazy L and L produced several nice Guadalupe Trout in one boat and only one fish landed in the other boat.
The takes were subtle and you had to meet the hook set with the strike. The weather was pleasant except for high
winds. The most popular fly was the Prince Nymph. Expedition Outfitters offers fly fishing classes, lessons and
instruction in the Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels Texas areas.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Friday December 26,2014; evening scouting
trip at the third crossing revealed some nice Guadalupe trout being caught and released on nymphs and tiny Caddis flies. The
weather was great with temps in the high 60's F. with partly cloudy skies. Expedition Outfitters offers fly fishing
classes, lessons and instruction in the Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels Texas areas.
Guadalupe River Fly Fishing Guides Report and River Conditions: Updated Saturday December 27, 2014; Today
was cold, wet and rainy; so we rescheduled the trip we had planned. The rain was steady with cold north winds
in the 25-30 mph range. Expedition Outfitters offers fly fishing classes, guided trips, lessons and instruction in the
Austin, San Antonio and New Braunfels areas.